Well, we bought a house, the culmination of the American Dream, ya' know. It's been a bit of a traumatic experience, and the amount of money we pay in "rent" just went through the roof... ooohh, sorry... bad pun.
So, I'm going to be changing the format a bit... Abercrombie the Traveling Tiger is going to join me here, as soon as he has time to travel some more, and I'll be putting in house pictures, as my husband and I hack around at home as well...
Here's me,and our house, and things of interest...
Email me at ericka_hiatt@3com.com
Please come back and take a look - I'll have my resume, and Abercrombie will be talking about places he's visited, and we'll detail the house stuff, for those who, like us, never had to care about tile, and whether or not the toilet worked, before.
Here's some stuff I think is cool The Motley Fools! Best Investment Gurus in the world!
3Com...Here's where I work - ain't we cool?
Techwriters unite!Here's the guild homepage, so to speak
The Babylon 5 Web site
My husband's cool website - check this out, oh ye gamers!
Celtic art - this is where I got some of the borders and icons I've used.
Read what stuff other people wrote...
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