Unfortunately, I am almost out of space on this
In the meanwhile, Here
is a link to my new puppet page.
Also, this
is my blog for those of you who enjoy such things.
One of the coolest graphical sites I have
ever seen. Where I adopted .

As for a new restaurant review page,
I am mourning and broke and on a diet, but I promise to post one
April 25th 2003
In memory of my father
March 12th 2003
Happy Purim!
Meet the puppet with Edna the sheep
Please sign
the guest book!

February 20th 2003
Meet the puppet with Ruby and
Meet the puppet with Shpachtel
and Petza
New greetings page
- July 14th 2001 -
New illustrations
New links

- April 4th 2001 -
Today I've got for you..
A guest review page
and a new meet the puppet page introducing Boaz
- March 17th 2001 -
New and even newer
- December 21st 2000 -
A british restaurant page
And shopping in style in London - Introducing
the Bermuda Triangle of money
- November 25th 2000 -
The restaurant page goes
up north for some
soul food.
Stay tuned:
The page goes to England to bring you some
new international reviews.

Also - Please
note there have been some updates in the reviews (a few places have
been closed during these last few weeks). |
- August 9th 2000 -
The restaurant page takes a little leave, due
to this page owners diet (..) and opens its door to guest reviews. Soon
I will add a guest review form.
Still, please visit the demoted
restaurant upadted
A strong social document - Shake
doggy shake
Meet the puppet with
A new restaurant review
Plus some Must see's

- May 24th 2000 -
The restaurant page
goes abroad!
Plus more updates to the Isareli restaurant
reviews update page
- March 4th 2000 -
The new Meet the puppet
page, with Shgozi the doggy pooh
Plus a few updates to the restaurant
And, a special tribute to a
special friend
- January 9th 2000 -
A second restaurant review
The January tiny 2000 edition
of Meet the puppet , with my new Squeaky mouse.
- November 14th 1999 -
The restaurant review
I also added a few links
to the link page.
-October 19 1999-
The October edition of Meet
the puppet , intreducing the lovely Pitzi and
Tell me who is your puppet and I will tell
you who you are!
Send mea
picture of your puppet and its short resume, maybe it will star in the
great November edition of Meet the puppet
-September 21 1999-
Here you will find
some greeting card designs I made (in Hebrew)
Look at my new Meet the
puppet page, this time - starring Nazo the bear.
Here you will find some
links and other stuff I find nifty