WARNING:Trespassers will be shot...survivors will be shot again!

Welcome all! Beware ye who traverse upon these pages as they are still being messed with as my mind is messed with daily by society....know what I mean?

I do believe that you're thinking right now...what kind of lunatic is out there that is allowed to edit a publicly viewed thing on the web? Well good question...click here----> and find outAll about me...well some of me anyways.

A little more about me than is in my aboutme page.

This is a few of my ramblings, and other peoples ramblings...click here to go there.

Please Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

This is a friend of mine's homepage...visit it and let her know what you think of her site!

This is my other homepage...it's had more work done on it and it's a bit more cheerier than this one is.

I thought it was a good site, so don't knock it no matter what you think, understand?

This is a link to a site that I liked, check it out! I'm sure you will like it too!

This is the page that I hooked up with the webring below from. Funny thing...she signed my guestbook at the same time(give or take a minute or 2)that I signed hers...odd eh?

you know, that club thing

© 1997 dam_skipy@yahoo.com

(Bronwen's Dogs!) 

This Bronwen Morey's Webring! site is owned by
Andy Warner.

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