Michelle's Homepage

My Friend's Poetry

Steve Bird
His poetry is usually enjoyed by all who hear it.

Pete Gray
His poetry tends to explore his morbid side.

Helen Heukshorst
Her poetry is observational and expresses life around her.

Rob Hutten
Rob is a blues fan and his poetry reflects that soulfulness.

Brika Steinberg
Brika experiments with text flow to convey feelings.

My Friend's Prose

The short story The Burning Angel Tavern by Patrick Ramsahoye.

Some of My Friends

Friend's Web Pages
Are web pages just as creative as the poetry or prose? maybe...

My Cats
They are wonderful!

My Life and Intrests

The Feminist Purity Test
A 210 point test to rank your feminist side.

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since April 23, 1998.

e-mail any comments to: super-spy.

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