The Ivy Realm

A Journey Through My Various Worlds

"The tales people tell one another weave a strong fabric that can warm the coldest emotional or spiritual nights. The stories that rise up out of a group become, over time, both extremely personal and quite eternal, for they take on a life of their own when told over and over again."

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. The Gift of Story

Hence, the basis of this page. Though it's still obviously in its beginning stages, my hope is for it to be an impressive collection of stories at some point. I feel rather conceited, posting my own work, but I think it will do me a lot of good to have my work displayed so that I can get feedback on it. So bear with me as I continue construction, and keep in mind that I'm always open to suggestions on anything!


  • "The Locket" by Kate Chopin. An enjoyable story, especially if you're a hopeless romantic, as I am. It, or at least the version of it that I copied (Bantam Classic) is chock full of grammatical errors, but let's ignore that for now and focus on the content.

  • "Finality" by n.e.d. (That's what I tend to like to sign my writing with. If I ever get published, I'll probably use a more conventional name, but for now I'll stick with that.) This was prompted by a picture my creative writing teacher passed around of a gas mask. It wasn't finished when I turned it in, but it is now.

  • "Addiction" by n.e.d. The title for this one has changed more times than I can remember. I'm not quite sure I'm content with this title, but it'll have to do for now. I told my friend Mark I was bored, and he told me to write something. So I did. Here it is.

  • An excerpt from"Lilac-Time" by n.e.d. The complete version is 17 pages long at this point and still not finished, so I thought I'd just put in a small piece of it. It's an interesting couple of pages that flowed out of me really fast at about two in the morning, almost without me having to think about it. That kind of scares me.

  • "Tell Jess I Love Her" by n.e.d. One of my personal favorites. Like I said, I'm a hopeless romantic... read at your own risk!

  • "Thanksgiving" by n.e.d. This one goes out to my sister, Alexis. We all need a good dose of schmaltz every now and then. Apparently the parts about football in this story are inaccurate, so if you can help me fix that, I'd appreciate it!

  • "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. It's another poem, and a somewhat abstract one, at that, but I love it, and it's my page, so it stays. So there.

  • "The Barrel-Organ" by Alfred Noyes. Not exactly a cohesive "story," per se, but its imagery paints some beautiful pictures. My lousy description doesn't do it justice, just read it and see for yourself.

  • Possibly Coming Soon: "Short-Changed" by n.e.d. (I haven't decided whether or not I like this story enough to post it yet). Coming Someday: an autobiography (just to make sure you know that I'm nowhere near as frightening as the stories I've posted so far might lead you to believe).

  • Links

    Once upon a time, this was a little list. Now it has become a couple of big lists...

    If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at or even page me on the internet using ICQ. I'd love to hear from you!

    Last Updated: May 28, 1999

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