Rob's Asylum for the Socially Challenged

Serving the Socially and Aerodynamically challenged since 1973!

For 27 years, we have served the local community with our special brand of socio-psycho-aero-loco-aroma therapy. With the latest in theraputical techniques, combined with the newest and best in technological advances, this facility is well suited to meet your needs and expectations, in the event of a national crisis. Our high capacity patient areas are capable of attending to the needs of up to 1 patient at a time over long term conditions. In fact, ***wait a minute! We've had the same patient for the past 27 years! What are you people talking about? This is the newly formed patient liberation front. We use lowercase in our name to try and remain as a part of the normal workings of the medical community. This asylum has had the same patient for 27 years! It's obvious they can't help you! Run! It's a fraud!*** We apologize for the interruption, the rebellion has been suppressed and our one patient is back to being happy and sedated. If this sounds like a service you or one of your patients would benefit from, please use the email button below and send us information regarding the status of the case and what treatments the patient will require.

Tina the Troubled Teen

And Now, On with the show.



For the usual stuff, like pictures and "hey this is all about Rob, why do I see this junk" click on the icon to the left for that summary page.


A new section, that maybe will get updated more often since I have a Macintosh page editor now, this is my frequent rants, thoughts, opinions, and feelings sorta deal. Click over there to the left to get to that whole fiasco. (It's not quite finished yet though)


To find out more of the details that make me who I am, click on this here painting by Manet. I liked it on the old site, so I figured he deserved a carry-over into the new deal.

And lastly, for links, so you can figure out what it is I do when I'm online surfing the web, click on Hobbes. No, not the old guy that wrote stuff. The dancing tiger.


Well, that just about does the index page for today. All contents of this site are considered creative property by me. The preceeding program was brought to you by the letters R, O, B, and the number 27. Additional support was provided by Jolt Cola, Marlboro; purveyors of fine cancer worldwide, and all the vegetarian food in my freezer. Any comments, suggestions, or lewd propositions should be sent via email, along with home address, phone number, and redeeming qualities that justify your value.

This page is always under construction.