You have come to my soapbox!
Run while you can!
Welcome to the pad!
Don't get tangled in the bead curtains ... okay. Hi. This page is sort of in the middle of a makeover. I've recently started adding graphics and backgrounds and stuff, and I'm in the process of making up a whole slew of new pages, so be prepared for things to just start popping up. Check in every so often to see what's new.
Standard disclaimer thingy: This page is made solely for my entertainment. This means that, although comments and suggestions are more than welcome, it is, after all, my page and I plan on being utterly myself. [*grin*] Odd as that may be. So, if you're still planning to stick around after all that, then by all means, pull up a beanbag chair and pour yourself a cuppa tea or a mug of coffee or a demitasse of espresso and we'll be on our way.
What's new? Check here to find out.
~*My dedications page.*~
~*The rudimentary beginnings of a page about me.*~
~*Stuff I Belong to and Stuff I Support*~
~*Bumperstickers & Pins*~
~*24 Thoughts to Get You Through Almost Any Crisis*~
~*My Friends page.*~
~*My page o' links.*~
~*My page of webrings.*~
~*I have begun my very own webring.... Be a part of Stardust's Webring of Niftiness!! C'mon, you know you want to. [*grin*]*~
~*My message board, The Scribbling Wall! Please leave a message, I feel so alone! :) *~
~*My chat room! StardustChat*~
~*Sign up for the party! I'm setting up a regular chat, so click here to get the info.*~
PS~I'll be updating as frequently as I get the time, inclination, and/or know-how. I have tons of ideas for stuff to put here - you oughta see the list! - so check back every so often!
Right now, I'm working on a few various pages that I haven't put up links to yet, but if you have any ideas for anything I should put on here, do feel free to let me know!!
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This page last updated on Sunday, April 18,1999.
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