Color Camera Club of Westchester, Inc.


Member of the Photographic Society of AmericaPhotographic Society of America.

Member of the Council for the Arts in Westchester

History and Mission

The Color Camera Club of Westchester, Inc., founded on December 21, 1951, has a mission to "Sponsor and support organized activities for the benefit of the education of camera hobbyists, to encourage their advancement and to develop their proficiency in photography...with a special effort made to help beginners."

Since the founding of the club, members have honed their skills as photographers, achieving recognition through exhibiting in international salons (competitions). They have also served camera hobbyists locally and internationally by participating in councils, the Photographic Society of America, and the International Federation of Photographic Art, and lecturing and giving workshops in the United States and overseas.

Meetings and Programs

The club meets at 8 p.m. most Monday evenings, September through May, at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church at the corner of Mamaroneck and Carhart Avenues, White Plains, New York.

Programs and workshops are designed to teach basic and advanced photographic skills. In addition, there are slide evaluations, field trips, how-to workshops, and competitions.


Monthly Competitions

There are three Competition classes: C for beginners, B for intermediate, and Salon for advanced. Each member may enter three slides which have been titled and spotted. The pictures must have been taken in the last five years. A guest judge evaluates each slide for interest, composition, technical competence, and impact, and assigns a score ranging from one to ten points to each slide. After scoring, the judge chooses, from among the top 20% of the entries, slides for Honorable Mention or Award ribbons, which earn the entrant an additional two or four points, respectively. In each class, cumulative scores for the season are compiled to determine the winners of the first, second, and third place medals. Slides receiving Award or Honorable Mention ribbons at club competitions may not be entered in any subsequent monthly or special assignment competition.

Special Assignment Competitions

Special assignment competitions encourage members to try different types of photography. These competitions have three classes (C, B and Salon) and are separate from the monthly ones, with their own cumulative scoring and medals for the top three scores for the season. Pictures must have been taken since January 1, 1997. Nature, Photojournalism, and Photo-Travel use the PSA definitions. Doors and/or Windows: Doors and/or Windows is/are the predominant subject. Circle(s): Circles(s) or object or subject forming a circle or circles must be the predominant feature. Hand(s) and/or foot (feet): A hand or hands and/or foot or feet is/are the predominant subject.

All award and honorable mention slides from monthly competitions and special assignment competitions are eligible for the slide of the year competition at the Annual Dinner in June. A medal is awarded in each class; slides are judged by a panel of three guest judges.

In September, the members present vote to select one slide for a thank-you card for the year. Members may bring two slides (preferably horizontal) for the competition, any slide not previously used for a club card is eligible.

Club Bulletin

The Chroma Leader, our club bulletin, is published once a month during the season (September through May) and once in the summer. It keeps members informed of the activities and news of the club and its members. Details on club meetings and additions or changes to the calendar are published also.