(Lost in the Forest)

Well, here we are wandering around in the forest. Don't ask me how I even got on the forest thing. It was so long ago, I don't even remember. Maybe it's because I'm constantly in the dark. Anyhoo ... here is what my site contains:

It's back! Barnyard friends - It's meant for the little ones, but I rather enjoy reading it and listening to it myself. Hope you do, too! A new browser window will open. 'X' it shut when you're through.

Photos. These are in Flickr. Two sets featuring bugs and shadows.

Life in San Clemente - A little bit about the household and the town I live in. There are links to San Clemente sights for anyone who's interested in visiting. I've also included my own little tour of the town called The San Clemente Stroll.

Ramblings - This is where I ramble on about anything I want. (Like I don't do that anyway.) Some pieces will be stories and others will be the good and bad things in my life I feel compelled to write about

About the Cats (and a few other critters):

Just had to throw this in here. Hah! And, no, it's not me.

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Guess that's it! I hope you enjoy your visit.