toxic city

Speak to a longtime Las Vegas resident, and more often than not, s/he will speak nostalgically of a time when the city was run by the Mafia. The sad truth is that brutal killers were better for the community than public corporations. In its mobster days Las Vegas was considered neutral ground(there was enough to go around for all families). The casino bosses considered themselves to be respected members of the city, and as such responsible for the impact their casinos created here.

Public corporations are not human though. They are fictional entities created for one purpose only, to generate a maximum profit for their shareholders. If it is cheaper to pay for the costs of the polictical system than to cover the costs of their impact in the city, then they will take the cheaper route.

Now a cancerous growth infects the Las Vegas Valley. The Las Vegas Strip has taken on the nightmarish look of Disneyland on steroids. Newcomers pour into a city by the thousands each month, while infrastructure buildup falls billions of dollars behind. The air becomes worse daily, and the water supply dwindles. Native flora and fauna is bladed under by this development, and the stench of species death pervades the valley.

To the north of the valley lie the Nevada Test Site. In the last 50 years an unknown quantity of nuclear tests(both atmosperic and underground) have occurred. Poisonous byproducts of this testing, with half-lifes measured in years numbering several times the span of our civilization, gradually seeps into an ever expanding area of our environment.

Treated wastewater is pumped into Lake Mead, which is the same reservoir that holds the city's drinking water, and the wastewater outflow is pumped in upstream from the drinking water inflow.




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