Hi! Welcome to my homepage!

All characters ,not created by me, are copyright their prospective owners.
Email me at kshort@bellatlantic.net
The following sections are updated in the art list only and contain thumbnails ,check the art list for all of my new pics.
to tombraider art
to manga art
to FFIV art
to original art
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my brothers page, soon to have his artwork and some cdwriting stuff.

updated 4/3/2000
Hi I'm keith short.
My interests are:
art art art.

this section will take you to a list of all art on this site.to art list PREVIEW SECTION last updated 4/3/2000

updated4/3/2000 I added a pic of shehulk that should have been up a while ago. I've been in a sketch mode for the last 3 months, so I really didn't any finished work to put up. I've been trying to improve my figure drawing and during this time I start an art course from Art Instruction Schools.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
updated11/3/99/I updated my other pg at :80/Paris/Chateau/2640/index.html
Once again, I sorry for the time it takes to update. I will update again tomorrow.
I don't know if anyone's interested, but my brother has been bugging me to offer custom t-shirts and art work on this website. I'm not sure how this would work out, but if anyone is interested I'll try some test runs, to see what the t-shirts look like. I shoud be updating again this week.
Updated 8/28/99
I added artwork requested by MaryJo. I'm sorry it took me so long to ink it. I would like to post the picture that I drew this from, but I'm not sure if you want me to. I will be updating again soon, as it seems I'm going to have some free time.
Added a new picture to this pg. I should be updating again soon.
Updated my new pg at http://www.geocities.com:80/Paris/Chateau/2640/index.html
I didn't add anything, just wanted to let you know I've got a new pg and hope to get it up soon. I also want to thank Cactus man for the ideal, for the pg space, " I did try to email you, but I only got an error message". I also got an email asking if I could offer the How I draw section on cd. I didn't think anyone would want to pay for it, since I offer it free on my pg, but If you want it on cd let me know and I'll work out a deal.
Updated 5/19/20 I added another pic of Lara. I also just ran out of space here at geocities, so I 'll have to find another host or take some sections down. I'm considering removing the How I draw section. If anyone is still useing it let me know.
5/2/99 I added three charcter sketches below.
5/1/99 sorry for no updates, but my scanner stopped working. It's now fixed and I will update tomorrow. I'm kinda glad it did, because I ended up looking back at alot of old artwork and realized I've strayed from my original goal. I've allways wanted to draw comics and this webpage was supposed to showcase them. So tomorrow I plan to introduce you to some of the characters I had orginally created about 7-8 years ago. I'm currently working on the script and the first page.
3/31/99 I added a preview of what I'm working on click here to see it
I also have exchanged links with Mustaido-chan. His page can be found at
updated 3/20/99 I added the inked version of my last updated.
3/16/99 I added another drawing of Lara. I still need to ink it.
2/23/99 I added three drawings of lara, two of them I did last summer and never finished. The other is drawn by me, but colored by David Fromberg.
lara colored by David Fromberg Davids email address is below email him with your comments.
Email him at David:factor2@home.com
2/20/99 I added finished artwork of lara. I may or add a background to this. I will update again monday or tuesday.
2/19/99 I added a unfinished drawing of Lara.
1/16/99 I added what was intended for christmas, but I never finished. Does anyone know who she is? I will update again on monday.
1/8/99Once again I'm sorry for no updates, but I have a good reason. My mother has been in and out of the hospital since the end of summer and Is now recovering from recent surgery. That's why my updates have be so far apart. She's feeling much better now!!! I also removed my ICQ number. I never reinstalled it after my computer crashed months ago. So if you've tried to use it sorry! I had planned on updating on Christmas, but on christmas morning I freaked up my computer, while trying to install new hardware and ended up erasing my hardrive and all of my artwork. I'm still trying reinstall everthing. Anyway I will update soon!!!!!
Sorry for the time it took to update. I added my newest submission to the AAU project. I had planned on putting this up on the 17, which was my birthday and marked the opening of my page last year!@ I plan to update again, before christmas, but if I don't I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
FINALLY! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I added this pic of Psyclocke from the Xmen. I'm working on a colored version.
11/19/98I'm not going to be able to update, until I get my monitor repaired or buy a new one. I don't know what's wrong, it just keeps getting darker and the brightness controls don't work. It's getting worse everyday so I can't scan or color anything. I hope to have it fixed or get a new one by next week.
11/7/98 updated how I draw section updated.
11/5/98 I added Ink pic of Areis from Final Fantasy. I still have some more FF pics, but by popular demand the next update will be of one of the Xmen. Did you know that the profit Nostradamus predicted World War III to begin in june of 99 also that western part of the U.S would suffer an earthquake of 8.1 and 7.2 before the end of 98?
10/27/98 how I draw section updated.
10/20/98 I added inked pic of Yuffie from Final Fantasy.
how I draw section updated.
10/10/98I added this sketch manga lara. I expected to have this inked, but I can't seem to find the time. I'm working on some new FF pics and expect the how I draw section to be updated early next week.
10/1/98I'm done, but a little disappointed. I really expected this one to turn out better, but I had no choice, because I actually saved over the image by accident and had to use the one I updated my page with earlier.
Sorry for the non updates of the how I draw section, but I had planned to use this image, but I decided to just finish it and move on. If you have any ideals for the how I draw section let me know, so far I have requests for inking, hair and backgrounds. I'm also, planning on puttiing up a link page sometime.
9/28/98still not finished, but here's a sneak peek
bikini lara in color
9/24/98Just thought I'd show what I'm working on. It's not finished.
bikini lara in color
9/15/98I added ,yet another, submission to AAU
9/10/98Added inked version of bikini lara, probably will color this later.
9/2/98Just added some art I'm working on.
bikini lara
9/2/98I added another submission to AAU .
8/23/98how I draw section updated.
I added a pic of Storm from the Xmen. I slightly modified her old suit, so don't tell me I got it wrong. I may color this, I'm not sure. I will update again somtime late Sat or early Sun.
I added thismermaid pic. I may ink I may not.
8/11/98how I draw section updated.
Finally finished! I still would like to work on the water a little more, but I've been working on this pic for 2 1/2 weeks and I'm tired of those cold green eyes staring at me.
8/5/98Well my computer went a little wacky and destroyed some of my art. I will have to redo some of my latest drawing of Lara, lucky I had backed up the drawing, so I won't have to recolor all of it. In the meantime I've added a look back at some of my pre-internet works. These go back 7-8 years enjoy them because I can't keep them here for long\ due to the space they eat up\
8/2/98It's not finished but, you can sneek a peek. I hope to finish this one up by this tues.click here
7/28/98 how I draw section updated.
7/15/98I added a picture done for AAU. If you want to know what AAU is check out AAU page
I added some art I haven't had time to finish yet.
Captain America
7/8/98 I added a requested pic of Tifa and Cloud / I'm still waiting to see your art! You know who you are?/.
No new pics, I just wanted to let everyone know, who sent in a request, that I'm working on them.
7/1/98I added another pic of Lara in the preview section.I thinking of adding a new section called start to finish, that will show the steps I take when drawing. If you think this is a good ideal let me know.
6/24/98I added a colored version of the pic in the preview section.
6/22/98I added pg9to the comic, it's not done but it's understandable. You might notice the panels are offset, this is because I'm useing bristol board and it doesn't fit into the scanner. \bristol board is what the pro's use, so I decided to try it.\.
6/13/98I added this picI plan to ink it, but since I hadn't updated in awhile I decided to put it up.
tyris no it's not Lara.
I added a colored version of the last pic I put up on the 26 lara.
send some art for my guestart galleryto guestart.
4/15/98 I added pg7 to the comic, It's far from finished, but you can follow the story. I would love to get some input on it, from someone.
4/12/98I hope everyone is enjoying Easter! I added finished pgs 5&6, well It needs some touching up. As usual check it out and please tell me what you think.
4/10/98manga lara
4/9/98 lara. In an effort to speed this page up, I have removed thumbnails from this page, except for the preview section. I also have added a art list page of all the art, so you don't have to wait for the thumbnails to load, just click on the names to see the pic.
4/5/98 500 hits! WoW!
4/4/98 I added a new section on how to draw manga.
4/3/98 pic
3/31/98this sketch. Has anybody viewed the comic, cause I haven't gotten a reply from anyone. If you don't like it tell me. I can't stress how much your opinion means. This is a learning process for me, and since I hope one day to be a professional comic artist I need reader feedback. Also If you would like to send a script or story for the comic please do so.
Tombraider comic. Check it out here
pg1 124kb
pg2 134kb
pg3 156kb
pg4 161 kb
pg5 120kb
pg6 126kb
pg7 194 kb
pg8 200 kb
pg9 116kb
Tell me what you think, like it, hate it, why?

I've got some good news geocities has given everyone more space, though it's not alot more, I won't have to move for maybe a month. If you have any comments Ideals about the comic email me any input would help. If you have an ideal or character you would like to see me draw please email me. Want to exchange links with my site great! Here is my banner.
link to http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/8026
and banner2

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