Calm caresses that touch my hidden soul Smooth hands that mold my spiritual bones Tender love that gently leads my heart To kneel at my Saviour's throne.
My name around the internet block is Hermana Bought or Hermana Comprada which simply means Sister Bought as in this sister was bought with the precious blood of Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:20) and though I am not perfect I do try to glorify God in my body and spirit,which are God's. My other name around the block is Mamitas...for me and my girls whom I love dearly. **Holla back Girls!** A little about me...I am a 38 year old California Chica who has now settled in the never boring Washington D.C. area now. I have two lovely Mamitas (little mamas)! and am an artist who uses a variety of media and materials to create. My artistic soul reaches over into writing poetry and a genuine love of music! One day I hope to have a quaint art design business, but if I dont it will still be well with my soul as I just love art and enjoy the calming communion between my God, me & my pencil! This site is about the heart and me sharing what God has freely given me with you. So, if you read, read with your heart and your heart will reveal the depth therein. Finally, if you want to know why I am so grateful, just need to talk about something, or desire prayer, email me and I will gladly share my experience, strength and hope with you. ENJOY!
and to all those wounded soldiers that haven't found their way back home are more than a conqueror!
Pictures of Me
and My little
Mamas and Adored Friends
recommendations to other wonderful sites