Me! :-)
Hello and welcome to my page. My name is Morgan. I go by Ponygirl and Equinenatic. I am 19 yrs old and I am a sophomore at Juniata College. I love this school so much, and think college is the best thing to happen to me. When I am not doing school work I enjoy working on the computer, watching tv, and I love playing the piano and listening to music. I totally love all animals. I take much pride in my studies and my participation in all the clubs I help. For example, I'm in the Circle K, JAB (Juniata Activies Board)-Friday Night Live committee, Assistant Stage Manager for "Nine Gates", PA Literacy Corps - teach adults basic skills, and many more.
About My Band
I am, of course, not the only one in my family. I have an older sister who is 24 named Vanessa. I have a mother named Valerie.(Imagine). My father's name is John. I also have a very hairy brother whom I love playing around with named Romeo and now Frankie.
I have decided to go to Juniata College to study pyschology and animal behavior and go into Animal Rescue. I hope to get an internship at Australia Zoo and work with Steve Irwin. Right now I am working at the SPCA.
Links and Other Pages

 - Stop in and check out some pictures...(Might take a while to load. Please be patient)
 - I love horses (as if you didn't already know...)

This is a wonderful site if you love photography, like me.
Thank you for visiting, please come back soon.
Email me at in the meantime.
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 Smoking KILLS
Last Updated 1/16/04
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