Welcome to my free graphics page. All of these graphics are here for you to take and enjoy on your webpage. This is just the very beginning of what will be many more. It's a time-consuming process and I'm working on it..

If you use any of these graphics, it would be nice if you would grab one of my logos and link back to this site. Of course, I can't MAKE you do that, but it would be a nice courtesy if you did.

I would also appreciate if you would drop me an if you choose to use my graphics. I would like to add a page of links to sites using them (and I'd also like to see them in "action", so to speak.



Please excuse the "rustic" appearance of this page and this site. As I've said, I'm only just beginning to work on it. Thanks!

For those of you who can't resist animated GIFs, I have a collection of them in my Toy Box. I can't take credit for these because I don't know how to make animations (yet!). But these are some that I've acquired by surfing the web.


The following are sites that are using some of my graphics:

The Tasticus Page

Artgekko's Ark

Randy Stillman's Page

Lee's Place on the Web

The following sites are using custom graphics which I made exclusively for them:

Green Dragons Soccer

HEF's Homepage

CAFE1 Webpage

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