Geocities, the webworld in which you now find your self in, is divided geographically into cities and suburbs based on flavour of the content. You are now in the Soho Cafe' at the table of John Carter, the Cybernetic Entomologist.

If you wonder why a Technocrat chooses to take up residence in a artistic corner of web world, it is because here you will find my literature, religion, philosophy and wild theorizing. Hard code and facts I keep elsewhen .

So, sit back, allow the Waitron to bring you a cup of espresso and enjoy the aroma of coffee, the subdued lighting, the quiet music, the pleasant buzz of conversation, and lets discuss life....

The most recent additions to this site are ...

The universe...

And everything...

John's law :-

All advances in computing have arisen through the creation of an additional level of indirection, the trick is to work out which indirection is actually useful.

Murphy's law :-

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Murphy's law is a physical law underpinning all others. This works as explained by :-

Carter's extension :-

The only reason why things ever go right, is so that they may go more spectacularly wrong later.

All of science can probably be deduced from these two statements.

I am an Applied Mathematician, (38 years old), married to Rachel (Theoretical Physicist), with three children and four cats. My children are Daniel (5yrs), Lirien (4yrs) and Benjamin (5 months). My religion/politics seem to be, umm, a little unusual.

Current "private" projects (read long term goals)...

  1. Leather, a reliable, flexible, industrial strength, general purpose language based on the idea of Objects being made mathematically rigorous.
  2. Idea database. Do you have a bright idea, but know that you will never ever get around to implementing it? Do you have a new computer / tool / whatever and you looking for an idea to work on? The idea database will be a database of ideas placed under the GNU public licence. Umm. Like most things in this list its an idea that I haven't quite got around to yet....
  3. The People's Encyclopedia. The criteria for an entry in a standard encyclopedia are verity, consistency, importance and constituting an established fact in the formal published literature. The criteria for entry into the People's encyclopedia is that somebody somewhere believes it to be true.
  4. The People's History book. Standard history is the tedious account of which eminent twit said what to who, and what General so-and-so did about it. Of considerable more interest is what happened Uncle Jim, who was a foot soldier in General so-and-so's army. The People's history book will consist of the accounts, personal, hearsay, whatever, of People who survived history long enough to pass on the tale. History in the broadest sense of any event, now in time past, that the contributor believes to be of interest. It matters not whether the interest arises from the peculiarity of the circumstance, or the influence that event had on future events, or some flavour or nuance that caught at the authors soul.
  5. Principia Cybernetica. Whitehead and Russell compiled the Principia Mathematica, proving much of mathematics by formal symbolic logic. The Principia Cybernetica would seek to place all of existing mathematics on this basis, with each step formally entered and checked by computer. Note the difference between this project and automated theorem provers. Automated theorem provers attempt to prove new theorems, the PpCnetica would seek to formally prove known theorems. One of the grand goals would be to create a theorem that proves the consistency and correctness of the PpCnetica. Note I aim only for consistency and correctness. I'm of the camp that believes that such a system will suffer from Godel's incompleteness as much and no more than any other mathematician.
  6. A Cooperative Anarchy of Computers based on Random Addressing. The Internet has become far too centralized, and far to driven by uncooperative commercial greed. Random addresses provide the seed of an idea to that will permit a global network to be completely decentralized and non-hierarchical.
  7. After deep thought about "What do I really want to with my Computer?" I have concluded the answer is "Create a virtual reality, that is better than Reality (Tm)".

So why aren't there any pretty pictures? A picture is worth a thousand words. 1 word + space is about 6 bytes. Therefore a picture is worth approximately 6kb. Most pictures are a lot bigger than 6kb. Therefore pictures are not worth the bandwidth. Therefore this page hasn't got any.

Links to elsewhen.

Currently I'm getting a steady flow of about 20 hits a month to this site despite the fact I haven't tried making it well known. Now the curiosity bug bites. Where are all these people coming from? What do they think of all this? Who are they? Why did they come? Please click on the mailto: link below and put me out of my bewilderment...

If you wish to come back and revisit as this site changes, place this small icon CyEnt in your own collection of links. If it changes when you press reload, then you know its time to come back and have a look.

Comments, queries and conversation.

All pages "*" are copyright John Carter and are hereby placed under the "No problem, Bugroff" License.

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