
Welcome to my little corner on the world wide web!
Have a look around and see how
my world really is!
Sheesh! Apart from the colourful background, I thought this place was pretty boring during its initial setup!
That was because I had yet to inject my totally flambuoyant personality onto this site (which I have now done with
the help of my very clever
daughter who designed the background and all of the graphics -- so please don't take them!). THANKS PHWEETIE!
Did you know that I LOVE to sing? You can always
find me singing along with the radio in my kitchen (and just about everywhere else too)! To see the kind of songs that I enjoy
singing, click on the Midi button to your left.
I also enjoy writing poetry, a gift I feel I inherited from my maternal English grandmother, Mary Rice,
who sent me a handwritten book of her poems when I was about eight years old. When I was twelve,
I committed a 103 line poem to memory by singing it to myself. [Poetry and music....hmmm....there's a novel idea.] It is a beautiful yet tragic ballad
about two young lovers. Wanna read it? Here's a link to Alfred Noyes
The Highwayman. If you'd like to read some of my original poems, click
on the Poetry button to your left.
Thank you visitor #
for entering my life!
Site designed and maintained by:
Last updated: February 9, 2000.
Note: I had to change my guestbook because the Geocities Guestbook
wasn't working. Please View My Old Guestbook.
This site is best viewed with:
 With a resolution of 800 x 600.
This background was made for me by my daughter, Stephanie. She asked that
this background remain only on this site so please do not take it. Thank you.