Somewhere along the line I lost my counter thingie :(
So you have found my nest.
First off let me intoduce myself. My name is Brenda, my friends call me Egg and I'm known as Ginger Cat to my online friends. I am a 40 something (EEK when did that happen?) Respiratory Care Practitioner who works the night shift in the trauma unit of a large teaching hospital, in Wisconsin.
Some of my interests include:
Renaissance faires, Music, Reading, My Cats, Crafts, Reading Tarot Cards, Eeyore, British Comedy and Going to see concerts and plays (especially at American Player's Theater in Spring Green, WI)... Enjoy your visit
These 2 ads are for two really great causes. The one above helps to save the habitat of the big cats. Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards. The one below helps to save the rainforest.
Every time you click on one of the buttons sponsors donate money for these causes. If you register and click daily you can help even more. Please visit them and visit them often!!
Authors and Books
Literary Links Some of my favorites
Music links
lot's of them
Brit Coms
Links to british comedy.
The Onion
Local spoof newspaper
Sir Clisto Seversword's Tome
My favorite ren-faire site
C*E*A (Centre for the Easily Amused)
A fun place to go when you are bored
Map Quest
Find anywhere in the world
I would like to thank Andy for all of his help and patience while I learned how to make this web-page. For without his help there wouldn't be one. Also special thanks to Jon for the time he spent scanning my inital pictures for me and to Jane for editing them.
Thank you Andy, Jon and Jane!
Email me at
>^..^< =^..^=
Please come back soon and visit me.
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since 11-15-97
Last 07-29-05