Black Fire/Moon Fire
A Pagan E-zine by Hecate Circle
Black Fire/Moon Fire is published eight times a year by Hecate Circle, an eclectic coven associated with the Unitarian Fellowship in Hollywood, Florida.
Editor: Rel Davis
The Existential Pagan -- On Freedom and Responsibility. Rel Davis
Order Rel's New Book from!
Art Director: Parsifal
Editorial Staff: The Hecate Collective
Hecate Circle offers free classes and support every Wednesday evening in Hollywood, Florida, at its Pagan Support Group. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. at 1812 Roosevelt Street in Hollywood (one mile north of Young Circle just west of Federal Highway.)
Your confidentiality is guaranteed! Friendly atmosphere and casual dress.
For more information, call the Fellowship at: (954) 925-1917, or call Rel at home at (954) 921-1770.
Or e-mail Rel at
Dedicated to Hecate
Hecate! Mother of Witches.
Ancient Earth Goddess.
Far-shooting Hecate, whose bow is the crescent moon.
Triple Goddess: Persephone, Demeter, Diana.
Maid, Mother, Crone.
Protectress of midwives and all healers.
Comforter of the sick.
She who takes the dead into her bosom and prepares them for rebirth.
Hecate! Protector of the cross-roads.
Comforter of the insane and delerious.
Punisher of all who would practice injustice.
Europe's Kali!
Blessed Be!
Samhane 1997 Issue
Yule 1997 Issue
Imbolc 1998 Issue
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