A beginning paragraph

Hi. I'm 22 years old, an art student, and I am determined to write my first page based only on HTML. Wish me luck. Thanks. I'm tired of using the stupid ass WYSIWYG... it has a lot of bugs and also seems to be pretty inaccurate as well. So we'll see what happens. It's taken me about five years of continual exposure to computers for me to graduate to this level of wanting to take total control of the webpage as an art form. And now I will gain the expertise.

Hopefully, I will be able to make this into a page about some sort of interest about me. Possibly about music, my life, something. I haven't decided yet. I really don't want to keep this page as a puny little exercise testing ground. So come back later, maybe there will be something better up in the near future! Until then, check out these neato links-- (Ok, I know that was cheesy.)

The Weird Zone!
A site of Monkees fanfiction by my lovely girlfriend. ;-)

Cyphen Hex and RGB Color Palettes
A handy, dandy resource of Hex and RGB color numbers.

Legolas Fanfic I Have Yet To Read

LOTR Slash

Sci-Fi, Anime, LOTR Slash Art

The Satellite News
The official site of the world famous cow town puppet show!

That's all for now! I'll add more neato links later.