Go ahead... do that funny little dance!


Howdy. I'm trying to update my pages, but the Geocities PageBuilder doesn't want to work. So, it's good 'ol HTML for me. Har. This could take a while. In the meantime, check out some photos here.

This is a photo of a crepe myrtle blooming in my front yard, when I was living in Houston. They're ever so pretty...

I finally have some pictures of myself scanned in... wanna see?

Whoops!! I forgot about this page... check it out!

Wanna see my birds? Go here!

I'm trying to get my Germany photos up... alas, since it's done on pagebuilder, I can't edit them yet... but you can check out Herrenchiemsee for now.

I snagged this background from Boogie Jack.

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This page was updated on January 30, 2004.

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