I am the Shadow that Walks between worlds
To hear my words and know me is to hear the siren's song
To let your life know no boundries;
To let go, and to go beyond
To discard my word is to damn yourself for all eternity
in the world of might have been
and not the world of what simply is


Forests of Haven:
An intresting story about survival and rescue by a rather unorthodox person. A work in progress as of 6 May 1998.

The Republic
A science-fiction genre I've created to house various peoples and adventures. The following three stories are from a book in progress.

Young Ones:
A lead in to a series of stories about the main character in her going up the ranks, her interation with friends and relationships.
A story in progress (aren't the all?), about a young security officer. This will be a story, 'in-line', in the realms of
republic. One of the most dreaded aspects, is the 'insec' or internal security. In some aspects, not unlike the Nazi SS and SD,
their eyes and ears are everywhere, perversing technology, in their relentless search for those who would be an enemy of the
Grand Adventure:
The beginning of the stories after the war. A new hope, a new ship, an old warrior who wants despretly to
be left alone, yet the call of war is too great, and the hounds are loosed yet again.

Children's Stories
Miss Molly - Girl Detective:
Three short stories, The Case of the Missing Bike, The Case of the Vanished Vet, and Dexter's Birthday.
The Old Deli
A 'Goosebumps' like story, pretty tight, and it's probably publication grade.
The Hidden Ring
A cute little mystery, and some pretty decent character interaction, if I do say so myself

Nine Tails of the Cat
Nine tails is a maxi-series about a much more, 'realistic' vigilante concept. Reminiscint of the Lady Shiva from DC's, "The Question" (circa 1992, if memory serves). She is ruthless and cunning, yet tender and giving. She harbours an interesting secret and enjoys life to it's fullest. These stories are preliminary script for a comic book, mature scenes, violence, alternative lifestyle. I've broken them up into their component stories:
A Friend
The Visit
Terms of Endearment
A Friend in Need
Another Point of View

The Sea
Lola (By: Raymond Douglas Davies)
Please note that any use of copyrighted names are not used as a challange to their repespective copyright owners, but are used in the friendly spirit of common gamesmanship.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles
500 point Wood Elf and 500 point Orc & Goblin Army

Warhammer 40,000
1500 Point Eldar Army

Vampire:The Mascarade
Clan Trokia

Magic:The Gathering
(known informally as Magic:The Moneyspending)
The Faerie Deck

Legend of the Five Rings
(Prior to the Scorpion Clan Coup, which is when I stopped buying cards for the game)
Torturi's Army

X-Files Collectable Card Game
(One of the very best Collectable Card Games I have ever played!)
Tournament Deck
I view rings as the future of interconnectign websites. It allows people to follow a similar thead of thinking, without seach engines, and eliminates a great deal of unneccesary advertizing. Webrings are an excellent way to advertise the specific things that your page are, and let peopl enjoy those things you enjoy without having to wade through unnecessary diversions.
Finally at last! I have so many wonderful people I have visited on the internet, I have never, ever been able to do them justice. This enourmous page will list literally every link I have in my two web browsers. I have yet to even attempt to categorize everything. You should be warned that not a few of these are, 'adult' in nature.
I may be contacted at the following email address:pussycat@geocities.com
ICQ # 5993891
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