This is my own little hide-away place. I like to sit here and think or just watch how the sun paints the horizon with the colors of rainbow. Oh, of course, how rude of me! I'm a little thing called Kuiskaus. It means a lot of same as whisper but it is a name of course. How funny, just think if you could only hear me! I'm a relative of those beutiful flower-faeries. I love poems and little stories, maybe you could tell me one.
Your magical number is
but don't care about it, numbers are only for millionaires or teachers or jabberwockies or somebody like them. Words and worlds are for dreamers.
If you would like to see how I crawl in the
Garden of Tears, you may visit me at my loaned life, in my loaned place. But I warn you, it's not so pretty and cheerful place to visit. Every one have atleast two sides...
By the way... My little hideaway place is in the forest of geocities.