G'day &
welcome to....
Joanne's Fun & Creative Page
Hi there! This page is going to have some music, poems and many other things as you will see! But first some music...
John Farnham, as you know, is my favourite 'Aussie' singer......Click on his photo to listen....
Like to hear another? Click on the next photo...
Now lets cut to
something else!! (Like that?)
Would you like to read some poetry I have written?
If so, then click here.
How about some Dutch music now?.....Just click on the windmill above.
Now let's pack up and go to somewhere different...
"Just click on the button below me, 'Gary Gator'..."
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Thankyou for coming!!
by: Joanne Van Den Eynden
© September 27, 1997 Joanne Van Den Eynden, Victoria, Australia
Last updated: April, 24, 2003
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