<::::ShErRys KriB::::>

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HeY whASUp! WelcOmE tO mE KrIb ... itS NoT thA gReaTes' buT It's minE sO tOo bAd if U dOnt Like iT.. haha.. buT aniWay.. THis PaGe is fOr aLl mY niGgaS and My gIrLz.. i Got Much Luv fOr aLl yAs. I dOnt haVe tO SaY nO naMes Cuz It's PrEtTy cLeAr. Yas AlL kNow whO yaS is.. *muaH* eNjOy it cuZ it'S foR yaS! and yeaH i knOw i KNOw .. it S prEtty OuTdaTed.. witH diaLuP rite nOw it's Not helPin Much ..hEhe.. But iMma tRy mY bEst fOr a New LayUp thiS one is GetTn KindA Old... But foR nows eNjoY and Much Luv tO alL yaS whO taKe thA timE to sAy wHaSUp.. yaS aLl KnOw its aPpreCiaTEd! TAkE KaRes an BesT wiSheS.. SheRry Lis..
