Brave New World

Hi,this is a project that my group and I are doing for our senior English Literature class. In it we have to do various things with the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, such as chapter summaries (we are doing the climax, chapters 7-10), character analysis, and personal impressions of these chapters. We are also doing a survey on a subject that is discussed in our chapters: Segregation. As the weeks go on there will be more information added on, so keep coming back to see what's new! Now, without further ado...Our Brave New World page.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."--Aldous Huxley

Our Subpages

Other Works By Huxley

Chapter 7-10 Summaries

Our Interview

Aldous Huxley's Biography

The Time Era

Our Survey

Character Analysis


Tough Vocabulary

Literary Devices Used in Chapters 7-10

Sites We Consulted

Our Personal Impressions


Home Page

Brave New World?

Author Bio.

Brave New World Facts

Huxley's Biography

Another Student Done Brave New World Site

Soma Web---A Lot of Good Information

Foward E-mail on this site to in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit us.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music"--Aldous Huxley

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