Wickham Computer Services

28700 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935

Gekee Wickham
PO Box 1122
Cutchogue, NY 11935
Tel. (516) 734-2277

It Started with My Watch

When I went to school in Singapore, I walked several miles to school. Whenever it rained heavily, I was determined to get home anyhow, and so walking in the rain became a fun thing to do. But then, my watch would get all watered in, and would cease to function. I discovered that, by taking it apart very carefully and cleaning it, I could put it all together again, and viola! It would start ticking again!

Now I do Computers

Nowadays, I find myself taking apart computers, and putting them together again. Mostly, though, I find that I am on my hands and knees, looking for the jack to plug the phone line into, and getting people online...

My computer lab is located in Cutchogue on the North Fork of Long Island.

My other Lab is called "Peaches."

And I live on a Farm

I live on a farm. It is called "Wickham's Fruit Farm."

Wickham's specializes in growing highest quality peaches not ordinarily found in Supermarkets. The fruit is tree-ripened, freshed-picked and hand-graded daily. Both white and yellow varieties are available from August through October.

The Wickham Harvest Calendar
MAYAsparagus, rhubarb, tomatoes
JUNAsparagus, tomatoes, strawberries
JULTomatoes, raspberries, cherries, blueberries
AUGTomatoes, peaches, melons, corn
SEPPeaches, apples, raspberries, corn
OCTApples, pears, grapes, cider

In addition to our home-grown fruit, Wickham's also sells their home-made pies and preserves made from scratch.

Tel. (516) 734-6441

We are closed on Sunday


Heaven and Earth

Tom and Jonathan

The Amazing Steerable Chopper

Visit Wickham's Fruit Farm

Send your comments to: Gekee Wickham