<BGSOUND SRC="/artbycarolyn/Newage.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Art by Carolyn!
Oil paintings of nature and weddings, children, and family portraits are my current driving enthusiasm.   However, I do not wish to limit myself to the stated subjects or media.
Please Visit My Studio
Oil Paintings and Other Arts

    After raising two daughters and following a career as secretary-treasurer and accounting controller of GM auto dealerships that lead me into a position as computer software consultant, I left my career path to follow my husband.

     His relocation took us from the rolling hills of Cincinnati, Ohio, and brought us to the beautiful
terrain and forest of southern Johnson County near the famous Brown County, Indiana area.

     The beauty that surrounds this area has inspired me to pursue my past passion of oil painting. 

     I am working to expand my current portfolio.
Scenic View Gallery
Portrait Gallery
Guest Gallery
Children's Gallery

Oldies Gallery

Watch for more artwork soon!
*Please note that the graphics on this website do not necessarily reflect true color and resolution due to the capabilities of the digital camera, lighting, software, and my own experience with each camera.  A Casio QV-700 camera was used originally and more recently A Sony FD88 has been used.  
Want to get in touch with me? 
Email me!  Your comments are welcome!
Thank you for visiting!
Note:  This site contains graphics and midi files and may take a few minutes to load.  When it has completely loaded, a revolving picture will show across the top of the page.  Thank you for your patiences.
January 3, 2003