Made in USA ? No thanks !! Don't wonder anymore !! Start acting now !! No money !!
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My work, and pictures will be posted here; As well; some cool stuff.... look around
For my Pictures, and personal information,  life in general !! Click here !!
Ernesto Che Guevara, is my idol, I think everyone should think a bit like him, there is to much of him to tell in one page soo check this links.
You can check some of the the doddles I do in the spare time here.

Red bruning thought
Cuban Ocean

Out of ideas

Jail house
No one writes me :( soo please, drop me a line , did I mentinon I draw naked women ?? :) ho well ! it's out of the bag now. some of the stuff I have is old, but I'll get to it when I get to it. and hun eNuFF with the XXX files. you are overwelming and I wouldn't waste my time besides I don't have a phone line.
A big hug to the rest of you out there, and remember that the world will always be at your feets as long as you live.
I also like to read the news paper, The Toronto Star, Clarin!, And lets not forget Sports. Some times I listen to the radio in spanish  Mitre.
Artwork by Alex Vargas
I hope you like the art work, And don't be afraid to coment, I; want to know what else you'll like to see in this page, I am open to ideas.

<<< This is the wall at home. I am trying to draw the most atractive wall in Toronto.
Drop me a line !! Have your say !! Come back to see what else is new.. This page is dedicated to all my friends.
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IMF. Four Steps to Damnation.

Act NOW boycott USA made products today.
This web page is under contruction come check me at a later date, Or you can E-mail me at