Hi There, Thanks for dropping in to
visit. This is a site I created when I
first came to cyberspace eight years ago. As time passed,
I learned so
many new things. I had used backgrounds I found on the web
and was so
grateful for those who shared their talents freely. I did
learn to give credit
by using their logos on my pages and became interested in how to
my own. As I became better at web design, I created new
sites for my new
interest and neglected the Pantry. I came back recently to
visit my old site
and had so much fun that I decided to fix the broken links
and give it a new
entrance page. (this one) and I also remembered how much I had
the silly java scripts and jokes and games I had created for
this site. The
snow and lake applets still inspire me as they did years
ago. I hope you
too, will have a delightful time as I did, as you browse through
the pantry.

Please sign my guestbook and let me know
you visited the Pantry.
Let me know if you find any bad links so I can fix them. Contact
Sammy Lane Sharp

Copyright © 2002 Lanes Heart
Sammy Lane Sharp, creator