Welcome to my totally self promotional and completely pointless website! Why would I have a website? Because life is twice as nice with some HTML code in it, silly!

Cliff Notes Version of Mirjam's Busy Life:

They can run, but they can't hide!

The new additions to my family (also, the new self-proclaimed heads of said household). Click HERE to meet them!

The last semester at Montclair State University has been completed!

My name now has an M.A. affixed to the end of it. Pretentious, isn't it? Yes. Yes, it is. My dad and I are now "intellectual equals" (his words, not mine, thank you very much). Ph.D. is next! (said facetiously!)

Latest and greatest career news: I am now an associate producer at ABC NewsOne. That's the NETWORK, not the local affiliate, baby!


Back row: Janet, Larry, Mirjam
Front: Eileen and Patty

The OK/Alright Production Company (working title) returned from South Africa last year, after a two week stay in Jo'burg, full of adventures and misadventures! Travels to the Limpopo province, battles with killer bugs (as official bug-wrangler/producer, that was my job in the evenings), dented rent-a-vans (BAM), incredible people and their equally incredible stories. After much transcription and several rewrites--we have a script! Stay tuned for photos and updates! Some more observations available here!

Pictured on left, from L-R: Larry, Shoni, Stompie, Patty, me, Janet, Eileen in front of Shoni's planned art gallery. And on the right, LL shoots while some brave AIDS orphans look on with interest...

Patty annoying Larry and me in the midst of setting up.
I look somewhere between confused and pissed off.
Larry, as usual, is oblivious to anything other
than the work at hand.

Janet with one of our interviewees.
We were all pretty much in love with this guy
but I think Janet's the only one who wanted
to move to South Africa to marry him...

Kim, Eileen and Patty at Twanano,
our first location shoot of the trip.

A taping at One-on-One with Steve Adubato from two years ago, which aired in December 2004 in time for World AIDS Day. Pictured below: Steve Adubato, Stompie, me, Larry, Kim, Patty and Eileen.

And in not so recent news:
This is something I'm very proud of... And admittedly I also continually enjoy riding its coattails (hey, I'm working on a new documentary--in the meantime, this will have to do). In 2000, after a year of hard work, I won a Gracie Award for my one hour documentary, "Light in Silent Sorrow: The Story of My Oma." The documentary was about my grandmother's experiences going into hiding as an onderduiker during WWII. Going to Holland, researching the Holocaust, going to the concentration camp, doing the interviews with Oma, even the post production all amounted to one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had as a producer and a person.

Here are some super duper interesting links for you to browse...

Bagel Sunday I'll take mine with a schmear...Doug has dedicated a great deal of free time to creating (and, might I add, also a great deal of free time complaining about) a website that does our bagel Sunday mornings justice. Photos, recipes, mascots abound.

Artwork When I'm not out making millions at my producing job, I'm busy perfecting my starving artist impersonation. Click here for a stroll down amnesia lane to teen-angst ville once more (hey, I said it wasn't updated, didn't I? Believe me, I'm SO much better now than I was at 17). (No, REALLY).

My Career Pretty self explanatory. Just the ol' resume and some photos from work and my many yesteryears at MSU.

Pictures Pictures of me and my loved ones. Horrifically not recent (some nice shots of the toddler years though, if you care to look).

My Parental Units Here are the folks who made me possible.

Please send all questions and comments to: marajaded@yahoo.com*

Please click on this link. It saves lives and it's 100% free.


*Apologies to all single American men, no more marriage proposals accepted at this time. I've finally become a U.S. citizenship now and don't need you anymore. Although, Australian proposals are accepted (Hugh Jackman, if you're reading this...)