Hello and welcome to
my new graphic's page.
I purchased a great program
called Paint SHop Pro 5 and
have made several border
I am hopeing over the next few days
To get the border backgrounds in
and also to be putting in other
graphics such as complete sets and
tubes for PSP 5 that I have made.
If you have come to check things
out sorry but still moveing in.
Please Come back and hopefully I will
have some things going by then!
All I ask if you use one of my
graphics to please put in a link
back to me with the logos I have
provided. On the backgrounds page
you will see several to pick
from and with the sets I will have
one made for each. Also if you would
email me the addy of your site
and the addy of the page you used
the graphic on and I will put up a
links page with a link back to you!!!
Please take a moment and sign my
guestbook and let me know you were
here and what you think.