Chris online in

Hello and welcome to my gallery.
I have these urges. They are compelling and I can't pretend to ignore them for long.
They make me stay up at night. They force me to endure pain. Do they add to me or detract. Maybe they do both.
Sometimes I might say to someone that I paint. And I feel guilty when I do, because I don't think of myself as
any great artist. I just feel the need to express myself and I want to show people what I've done.
This site is here so that I can show my art to my friends.
I am fascinated by combinations of billiantly contrasting color. I work mostly in acrylic paint,
though I do draw in pencil and charcoals at times.

Here is my latest project. I saw a picture that inspired me to create it. It's not true to the
picture as I've replaced the person with someone I know. I call it "Melissa". It's small, only a 8" X 10".
I may actually finish this one.

This was sitting on my eisel up until a month ago. It's a painting of a friend
who lives in Texas. I call it simply "K". It is 20" X 16". I'd been staring at it
for the better part of 2 years. Just couldn't seem to get started back on it. Painters block?

Here is another painting that I haven't finished yet. I did hang it on the wall in the living room though.
It's 36" X 36" and as of yet, there is no name for it. My inspiration was a sceen in a
movie where a woman was waiting for someone to get ready to go out.
Although she looks like she's going to be naked, I actually plan on putting clothes on her.
I started to have some ferrets running around her feet, but then covered it up in white because
I didn't like it. One step forward and 2 steps back. I suppose if I planned
this stuff better I could paint faster, but what the heck, It's my hobby not my job.

I've been calling this painting "Orange Woman".
It's 16" X 20" and I finished it late in 1998. It's actually a very good likeness of the model.
(I did her in clay first.)

Here is some other stuff I've done. Click on the thumbs to see larger versions with
explanations of what they are.

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