The page is not longer experimental (still prone to being tested on by me...*grins and snipes some scissors*) but, I've gotten enough positive feedback on it to keep it up for good *yeahs* Thanks to all you people! Still am not sure what I'm doing, but I'm figuring it out! Still open to send in any pics you don't see here (still surfing the web for some too). If you see any of yours that you don't want up here, or that you want credit for, I can do either, no arguements! Due to the fact I can't figure out how to keep it from going off the side of the screen, I numbered the pictures, instead of giving them titles. I'll continue to try to figure it out, sorry to make you guess :(. If the cool thingy below doesn't work for you, try these.
Gallery 1, Gallery 2, Gallery 3, Gallery 4, Gallery 5, Gallery 6, Gallery 7, Gallery 8, Gallery 9