Welcome to the Wacky World of Kris Willms
aka The Mighty Aquarian

Version 3.0

Founded April 1, 1999

Updated May 24, 2006

Like everything in this world, change is inevitable. I am in the process of doing a major & overdue re-vamping of the site. Alot of things will look or act a little weird in the process. Some things will be out of place. Some links will take you to pages that are still works in progress, or you may accidently come upon an unlinked page. My only guarantee right now is that the writing pages will be up and running the entire time. All I ask is for your patience, because it will all be worth it when it's finished.

UPDATE:Well, it's mid May, and the update is still proceeding. The concept that started out as the Astrology Page has grown into the Astrology Section, thus putting the whole update thing on a longer timeline. Much longer than I originally thought. And the widefires here in Florida are now demanding more of my time at work. I'm aiming for mid/late June for the last of these "Under Constructions" bars to come down. But we all know how best laid plans work...

Welcome to my little section of cyberspace. I am Kris Willms, just your average, everyday Aquarian, workaholic, heavy metal listening, movie-phile. This site is a small reflection of my writing and who I am. Enjoy your stay.

I don't want the world, I just want your half.
TMBG "Ana Ng"

She's now armed with a NEW guest book!

Old Guestbook entries

My Happy, Happy Blog
My Blog @ Blogger

My Written Works:

The Fiction Page
The FanFic Page
Kris's Poetry Corner

Other Artist's Creations:

Other People's Stuff-(Written Works)
The Sounds of Silence-(Musical Works)

Personal Sites

Yours truly's MySpace Profile
My Yahoo! 360 Page

The History Page
The "About Me" Page
My Astrology Section
My Favorite Links

What's New...What's New...What's New...What's New...What's New...What's New...What's New...


Will be posting new stuff very soon. Stay tuned...... :)

I am continuing to update, so come back and see us often.

I appreciate your opinions on how to make my page better. Feel free to email me.

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