"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide..." -Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Welcome friends, old and new, to Fallen Angyls...
Silvery pain pervades our life...black dreams of gossamer spider webs hold us captive....darkness intrudes in our thoughts... |
False peace seeps through the cracks of our existence....quiet illusions of kindness obscure harsh reality...white light blocks the void beyond...
This page is specifically devoted to poetry and short stories written by those fallen angyls who believe that the eternity of truth, pain, and sorrow are the only realities.
What is a fallen angyl? I believe that a fallen angyl is a person who has willingly fallen from the Grace of Society to the Grace of Truth. It is a person who has chosen to leave behind the things that create the false world that is mankind's and to create a world of his own. Perhaps a fallen angyl is someone who has embraced what the world would define as insanity, simply because that person recognizes that what is called sanity is not necessarily what is true.
We are the dreamers, the poets, the authors. We are the ones who cry at night for the acceptance of a world that turns a deaf ear on our entreaties. We are the ones who try to speak with our hearts and souls and not with our minds. |
I appreciate your coming. If you would like to have your poems or stories shown amongst the others of the fallen angyls, please e-mail Kassandra MacLeod.
Stories are subjected to editing; please respect others by keeping your works clean.
Please, remember that this site is always under construction! Your contributions are essential to Fallen Angyls; please keep them coming.
All works are properties of their individual authors. Copying them or using them on other webpages is strictly prohibited. Please respect their work, as they have respected you enough to share their inspiration.
-Kassandra |
My sincerest thanks and blessings to Moyra's webjewels for providing the amazing graphics featured on Fallen Angyls. |
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