Margaret's Story Page
Inspirational Tales:
1. The Soul on the Bench.
2. Never Too Old.
3. The Stranger on the Beach.
Romantic Tales:
1. An Innocent Man.
2. At the End of A Hidden Path.
3. Fast Slow Food
Contemporary Tales:
1. The Moth and the Flame.
2. The Healing of the Grass.
3. A Stranger's Baby.
4. The Burial Of Freddy Gentry.
1. Regrets.
2. The Attic of Your Mind.
My Favorite Poems:
1. How The Great Guest Came.
2. Forever Friends.
Inspirational Poems:
1. The Creation.
2. The Sin of Omission.
Love Poems:
1. Love.
2. I Want You.
3. Loving You.
My Favorite Emily Dickinson
1. I'm Nobody Who Are You.
2. "Hope" Is The Thing With Feathers.
3. I Never Saw A Moor.
4. If You Were Coming In The Fall.
5. Have You Got a Brook In Your Heart.
My Favorite Poems By My Aunt Rose McMahan:
1. Shall I?
2. If I Gave You.
3. Never Call It Quits.
4. HATE!!
5. Loss of Innocence.
6. Life Goes On It Seems.
7. Heaven Sang A Song.
8. As The Sunset Over The Mountain.
9. Last Night.
10. Plenty of Time.
Stories And Poems That Have Touched Me Deeply:
1. Footprints.
2. The Most Caring Child.
3. The Empty Gold Box.
4. Dad Can See.
5. The Best Love.
6. John 15:13 Good Deed.
7. Dear Friend.
8. Father's Son.
Magazines I've Been Published In.
Links to Other Great Pages.
Check Out My Other Page.
All About Me.
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Last Updated 10/18/98
Web Page Design and Maintenance Done By Joshua McClellan.

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