Enjoy the sites and sounds.


Realplayer videos for your enjoyment. It should always be available, unlike the live camera, found below.

Mason and Hamlin 3 manual and pedal. or Autostart for Netscape

The Dexter, probably one-of-a-kind. or Autostart for Netscape

Three substantial chapel organs. or Autostart for Netscape

If you would like to view an advertisement for Ovaltine from 1940....three minutes to convince kids that Ovaltine is what they need (from an Orphan Annie radio show). Click!

More video will be added as time permits.

The Organ Web

I am a proud member of the

Organ Web.

If you would like to view more organ sites, follow the organ web (automatic links to other pages, mostly pipe organs. Click here

Please come back soon and visit me.


(You'll need REALPLAYER to open these--can download from the page)

I recommend the option "open from current location".

Want to hear some real calliope music?

Circus Calliope music or Calliope.wav

...or organ music?? Some rich, deep, solid organ tones from a 1903 Estey with 6 1/5 sets of reeds:

Give my Regards to Broadway or Autostart for Netscape

Meet me in St. Louis. or Autostart for Netscape

Played on my Welte Mignon reproducing grand piano (ah, so much more than just a player piano........):

Stars and Stripes or Autostart for Netscape

Theatre organ music: Jelani playing the mighty theatre organ.

You may have to download RealPlayer onto your computer, first!

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