I've @dopted Sir Robert Smith Bt, MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine!

Hi welcome to me home page type thing, i must admitify i does not understandink this internet idea but me is getting lessons about what it is from me player.

Anywho here's some stuff on this page so far (Watch for up dates, they are much nicer then down dates, juicer and more chewable!!)


Some information about me!!

Furry and what it means to me.

Links to places all over the world!

Some information about me player (fft.)

A guide to all my stories

A simple cat game!! 


Well that's really it, theres like this little copyright thingy that me player insits is really important and a disclaimery thing which is also important apparently and there's the final silly quote thing which is changed semi-regularly and will hopefull cheer up your day. Okay here we go, firstly the silly copyright thingy. 

Copyright notification

This page it's words, images and contents are all copyright 1998 Fionacat.  You may not clone, mutate, slice, dice, frapee, eat, chew, spit on, explode, fart in the general direction of, drive on, cut, copy, paste, wash, rinse, repeat, love, hate, have an affair with or steal them without asking me first.  Well okay maybe you can but i'll bite you if i find out about it, 'kay! 


The subject matter in this page is controlled and moderated by me and no one else.  This page is not affliated with anything at all and any references to anything are purely co-incedental or a bad attempt at humour.  If you find a text, image or something else which belongs to you and has been used here without your permission or you do not wish me to use it. Please contact me at fionacat@furry46.freeserve.co.uk and I will see to it that it leaves as soon as possible. 

Your silly quote is:-

"When walking in the air, never look down."

This page was created with great help fromAOL Press

Last update was on 7th June 1999 at 01:00 local time

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