.Hi! Welcome to my homepage!
For the month of September 2009
Due for an update on October 1st 2009, God willing.
"Kia ora manuhiri, haere mai",
(pronounced "key aura mahnoo heerry, high eh reh my")
This means, "Hello visitor, come on in" in New Zealand where I live physically.
My name is Ron and I like to talk about the people of the Bible and share my books, which is why I moved in here. You can have a look at my library below by clicking here now, or have a "talk" with me first. Afterwards you can visit my "office" for some serious discussion if you wish.
You are visitor
since 1st August 1998 and are very welcome.
We discuss a question each month and are building up a spiritual "dictionary" of terms used in the Bible and their meaning. Each month there is a free book available, and so far as space allows, back copies of earlier offers. At the least there will be a list of them and you can ask for any one of them by Email. And there's no catch!! They really are free. If you write in you will not be contacted again, or badgered about joining a church.
In the meantime, feel free to browse my library
and borrow (read) or keep (i.e. copy) any of the books. Just click on the
picture of the books below to get there. I plan to make others available later
so call in again sometime to see the latest.
Click on the dove (or the link)
for a good book you can download for free and share amongst your friends on why
the world is in the mess its in!!
It's called
"Light through Darkness"
formerly "Light on the Dark Side of God,
and is one of the best on this subject that I have ever read!
(when you get
to the site just click "cancel" and it will let you in. Then click "order"
to obtain a copy. )
There's more from me below but this is a shortcut back to the top of the page.
Thanks for dropping by, hope see you again another time. If you want to see my serious side and maybe discuss some religious topics then call in on me at my work page by clicking on my picture. Otherwise try this. My work page.
I don't really
look like this!! But I like him.
If you'd like to discuss something before I come back next month just mail me. I won’t bother you unless you ask for information, and won’t ask you to join a church or anything!! Don’t have much time for man’s organizations. My thanks to those who have written in.
Ron. (More below)
I do have an e-mail which is:
Email me
so try it if you'd like to have a private conversation.
Otherwise, I plan to be back on October 1st (God willing).
Bye again, Ron.
Permission to use the flying bird was kindly given by
This is the end!!!!!