For Anyone Looking for Guster...they're still here.
It is truly a pleasure to be back to this page. It has been too long and my glorious days of web savy are now long gone. In fact, this once impressive web page is now just a cluttered bunch of drivel. Oh well, you win some you lose some. As a graduate of the illustriousConnecticut College I find it my duty to keep you all informed of my whereabouts. I am currently living at home and enjoying all the benifits of being at home. Home cooking, home cleaning, home theater... you get the idea. And what a wonderful thing it is to be home. Except that I'm away from my loving girlfriend.
It seems like years ago I was in Greece, but hope to have some pictures up one day in the long and distant future. Please bear with me as my feeble mind attempts to remember HOW to do all this html crap. That A Cappella group at Conn, the Co Co Beaux...feel free to visit them below in my "more music" links area.
I like to dabble in acoustic guitar and have an amazing Takamine. I love to crank my stereo and listen to GREAT MUSIC. And my most favoritest band to listen to is Guster. See my GUSTER tape list. But please, no requests, I don't own a tape deck any longer and therefore don't trade. Just ooooh and aaaah.
It has come to my attention that I have added a TON of pictures of myself and random people. I don't suggest you look at them, but if you're really interested, I have designed this special page just for picture lovers.
Guess What...The Wetzel Family...MY family...has a home page. Check it out here
The Wetzel Family also has a NEW HOUSE. Look at these incredible pictures.
My girlfriendSarah can also be ooohed and aaaahed. She is absolutely the love of my life. Sarah C. Better.
Because I am such a big fan of movies I have added a new page...
This page has reviews of some of my favorite DVD movies.
In the summers of '99, '00 and '01 I was a member of"THE VINEYARD SOUND" an all male a cappella group based on Martha's Vineyard. Bukirama all the way!!
The Latest in Home Entertainment!!!
My trip to Maui for spring break 2000!!
Here are Guster's Albums.
Parachute is the one in green.
Goldfly with the FLY on it.
Lost and Gone Forever is the little boy smashing the piss out of the piano. If you are interested in any of these contact GUSTER at
Looking for a Favorite Book or just some easy reading, check out...
Thank You For Stopping By. I have been away from this page for so long that I think it's almost obsolete, except I still love Guster...shouldn't you?!? Any questions or comments PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. Email me at
Please Sign my GUESTBOOK...I'd really like to hear from you...and you...and you...and you too!!!
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"There We Stand, About to Fly...Peeking Down Over Land, Parachute Behind"
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