Some Call It Art
This page is designed entirely to show off my art work to family and friends spread accross the country. I have been approached by various companies asking to pay me big money for these immage, but what I have to say is NO! Never! How much is an hour worth? When it is spent making an immage, priceless. And so far no one has been willing to pay. Hurumph.
- B&W: As you might expect these are a few examples of my Black and White work.
- Color: Where the majority of my new work is located.
- The Artist:A picture along with few things you never wanted to know, and wished you had never asked.
- My Final Project:The @ffenpage you have been waiting for!
- Vacation Photos:London, Spain, where to next?
And it Doesn't Stop There!!
Here are a few of my favorite sites to keep you busy.
But please check back in periodically. This, like every other part of my life, is a work in progress.
- More Recent Than Others!!The official @ffenreich Home page. You loved them in the movie, you hated them as a cerial, but now you can love them in the privacy of your own home! You might recognise a few of the photos there as I am the official @ffenrich photographer. More of the band's images will be added to my sight as they become available.
- San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) Upcoming events, images from past
as well as current shows, recent additions to the collections and advanced ticket purchace.
All images contained are Šopyright by,
Graf '97 - '05
Last updated 02/05
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