Dan Iggers' Home Page


Friday, December 11, 1998


Monday, December 21, 1998

I have deleted the introduction to my webpage that I posted a couple of weeks ago and links to a few things that I'd written. I'd liked them, but maybe they were too personal and belong in the private realm rather than the public. I'd like to give some more thought to what I want to do with this website, before I put up personal commentary and musings. So, let say I've removed some things pending the establishment of new editorial guidelines for this website.

My Mount Hope Picnic Page:

This past June, I had the privilege of delivering a keynote speech at the annual reunion of a group of people that includes my mother's side of the family, who came to Canada in November 1939 as refugee farmers. I have "HTML"'d the speech, and I hope to add photos once I've scanned them. picnic3.html

My maternal grandfather Karl Abeles (see link below)



A photo of downtown Buffalo, taken by my old friend Michael.


downtown.jpg Me at the office.

Sign my guestbook

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Take a look at what others have written in my guestbook.

View Guestbook

Mostly still not working links:

The Mt. Hope Picnic
Karl Abeles (my maternal grandfather)
Ma's Shrine
Kelly's Slave diary (Sixth Grade project)
Daily News
My Pulpit(aka My High Horse)
My Photo Gallery
My New Year's Resolutions
Bad "arty" photos
My TV, Video and Movie Log
My Books Page
My Food Page
My web pages

Last updated on December 13, 1998