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The Grand Dragon Academy of Combative Sciences
The Grand Dragon Academy of Combative Sciences
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Welcome to The Grand Dragon Academy of Combative Sciences
To Contact me
and leave a message 18438995500 or ealleyne@yahoo.com
searching for the best in one on one training and or group sessions  Ask for Abduallah Muhammad Ali
Forever your student
In Ever loving memory to Dr. Moses Powell
Muga-Ri Shosen Ryu-Ha
The Essence of The Enlightened Spirtual Warrior
Oil Career Professional Placement Services We can blast your resume to the top 1500 oil and gas companies!
Born Jan 13 1941
Passed Jan 22 2005
With deep regret Abduallah Muhammad Ali
Most of you do not know me
I am the Student of many teachers and when I met Dr. Powell I was in a bad way he gave me the courage to continue on with life.
When I last spoke with Sensei he gave  me his blessing as a Soke of my own system and the right to teach. So for all those concerned I continue to grow and learn I will forever be the student and his memory will live with me until I leave this world.Inshallah
Welcome to The Grand Dragon Academy of Combative Sciences
I am the founder and my science is Muga-Ri Shosen Ryuha
The family of the enlightened Spiritual Warrior.
This science has no boundaries, no time outs, no bells, there is only life and death and the rest is fantasy. When you opponent comes, he comes for your life. This is the Science in which I live
Sanuces Ryu forever
Shihan Abduallah Muhammad Ali
We also deal and retail in Computers Laptos and PC and Parts
Contact directly for your Computer needs
or Email me at ealleyne@yahoo.com
The Doorway to Knowlegde begins with the first Step Uis
Welcome to The Grand Dragon Academy of Combative Sciences
I spent 3 years in prayer and Mourning over the death of my Teacher and my father and now I have come back and I am at peace I am back to Usher forth a bright future for the tree that bore me
Sanuces Ryu Jujitsu
I am the light that sizzles the retina
I pray for Allah to be my guide Inshallah I am his abd slave and no other do I honour but Allah and his Rassoul SAAWS
I am the disciple of Dr Moses Powell and I am his legacy the unknown
May Allah and his rassoul  be my witness 
For Class schedules and times
call 18438995500
or ealleyne@yahoo.com
There are no politics here only learning and growing Inshallah
I have something to live for his widow
his kids and his legacy
I love you Sensei
Abduallah Muhammad Ali