Words of Fire, Ink of Blood

A requiem for Southern Gothic

Andrew Wyeth "Christina's World"

This site is 

certified 70% EVIL by the Gematriculator

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If you want some incidental music

Welcome, well the page has been up a while now, and slowly but surely I am finding a direction, feel and ambience for the page. Lately I been focusing more on posting on different boards and writing articles for Disinformation and trying to get my head around ORACLE. I hope you will forgive the lack of updates on the "Southern Gothic" sections of the page, but damnit! it's just not a broad enough canvas to work with. The page should at least reflect my current interests rather than just being a historical page for my more, how shall I put it, morbid interests. However the COMMANDMENT OF THE LORD still stands - drop back now and again, you know you can't help it, it's like virtual heroin.

Most of the links that are available at this point are at the bottom of this page. I have decided frames are a pain in the ass, and most people spend too much time wandering around web sites, so consider the scrolling down, my gift of exercise to you...

"Words of Fire, Ink of Blood" at this point pays homage to the great Southern Gothic Artists, Writers, and musicians that have made this world of shadows, gunsmoke, Love, loss, sickness, sadism, hope and beauty such a ghostly pleasure to experience.

The page will include, my own writings, any submitted to me that I think have merit, gif's and jpeg's of material the like of "Christina's World" (see above), The Raft of the Medusa, by Gericault. and meusings, interviews, pics and reviews of comics along the lines of and including "Preacher" and "Hellblazer".

Musically I am thinking about, Nick Cave, The Gun Club Jeffery Lee Pierce's savage stab at the American Dream), Gallon Drunk, Tarnation, Tom Waits, Sixteen Horsepower and The Pogues a cacophony of blood and screams that will make your feet tap and your soul shrink for cover in the nearest swamp. If after reading this page, you hear worrying scratchings down in the basement, its not your imagination its those creatures that used to haunt you when you were a kid, yes, they are real. So leave the computer on, you never know they may want to use it when you are asleep - and it should keep them from under your bed.

"Words of Fire, Ink of Blood" will, when life gives me the Goddamn time also tackle the Bible as a piece of literature (I'm a Witch meself) Faulkner, Cave, Kafka, and any other writers I think of or see when i get within sight of my library.

Oh and the ad's stay up, it's beyond my control. Rest assured though I did everything I could to get rid of them. Right down to threats of forced trans-sexual surgery for Geocitie's executives children.

The ad's can be minimized though, thank fuck for the small mercies of corporate scum, look up and to the right, you will see on the add a double arrow pointing to the right, click on it, and the adds disappear, until you reload the page of course. Let me just say again:


Oh and while you are here, you may want to link to this page, for your own good.....it's just that I have friends in low places - don't say you weren't warned.

Stay tuned folks its gonna be a fun ride, this page will, and I mean will be updated soon.

Stay Sick,


Oh incidentally if anyone wants to read my rants on various topics of interest or disinterest......I post under the handle "FatherCrow" at UnixPunx in the "forum" section and the occasional article at Disinformation.

My most recent addition to "Words of Fire, Ink of Blood" is my BLOG which should be updated on a daily basis (at least during the week), when I am at a computer. The weekend is reserved for other activities.

Also a last update (18/04/2008) if it so engages you, feel free to join and contribute to the "Words of Fire, Ink of Blood" Social Network where news and videos are posted on a semi-regular basis.

dark_bullet While the pages are under construction, pay a visit to Swampland home of the inimitable NICK CAVE.

dark_bullet Or dip a toe into the corpses and whisky of PREACHER.

dark_bullet Personal Demons, redemption, mutilation, breathe it in, ahhh the writings of HARRY CREWS

dark_bullet His is a world with pity for those who suffer it, may I introduce you to TOM WAITS.....

dark_bullet Jeffery Lee Pierce's weapon against the world, THE GUN CLUB

dark_bullet The script for Billy Bob Thornton's superb film SLING BLADE

dark_bullet Have a strong stomach? You can lift this moss covered, dirt encrusted rock, and find out about the author of the page.

Non Southern Gothic Ramblings and Rantings - chekkem out

dark_bullet An Experience of an Irish Wake

dark_bullet Punx write Comix.

dark_bullet Beyond Belief!, Religious Ramblings. Or how we can stop killing each other in one or two steps.

dark_bullet ANTI-GLOBALISATION, under construction (may end in mid sentence).

dark_bullet AMT now on Schedule 1 - What the Hell is AMT?

dark_bullet What annoying celebrity are you destined to kill?

dark_bullet The Chemical Cosh

dark_bullet Witch Hammer - Genesis of the Burning Times

dark_bullet MTV keeps us safe from the Horrors of War

dark_bullet Fast Fiction, "She Was there."

dark_bullet Information and comments on the US Rave Act.

Links ya might find of use...

dark_bullet Irish Indymedia - all the news, all the protests, all the parties, all the politics - all Irish

dark_bullet Get your dancin' shoes on - Illegal rave organisers - free the beat - Dratpak

dark_bullet C R E A T I O N - more Raves - you have to get vouched for to get on their list - mail me...and Ill see what I can do.

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© 1997-2005 badseed2@hotmail.com no unauthorised use of any of the material contained herein, or there'll be SLAPS!!....