Cold Hands Warm Heart

Hi My name is Cin
And this is my page

My intention is to say what is on my mind.
To have a place that will warm the heart
as well as touch the soul.

My interests are:
My children.
My very dear friends
both in this time and in the past.

The description of my page is:
Love, Life,
Wonder, and
Words from the Heart

A little something about myself.
I sometimes feel that life isn't fair,
and that we are all dealt a rotten hand.
But looking into yourself and finding
the best parts are what
makes this rotten hand a winning one.
I am just like everyone else on the planet.
I have hopes and dreams.
I have wishes, wants and desires.
But I also have the knowledge that these
are not things that are unattainable to me.
Enclose are thoughts from my heart
and hopes for my dreams.
They are words of joy, sorrow,
and a bit of my own reality.
I choose to share them because
everyone I know said that I should.
I live in a small town
in the Midwestern States of America,
with my two children,
Jim my son,
and Britt my daughter.
They are my life, my source of being.
Without them I would not know how to live
life to the fullest. It is a great joy
to see the wonder of life
in and through their eyes.
We laugh together,
we cry together,
we love together,
and most important we learn together.
My Britt is a special child,
who at 16 hours old
lost her breath
and in the time that lapsed
she hurt her brain.
She was a gift to her brother and I,
we have learned so much from her.
I believe that Jim
has grown up to be a kind and loving man,
because of it.
As I have grown up to be a forgiving person.
Life is too short
and you must live each day
as it comes and to the best of your ability.
So now that I have given
you a general idea of how I think,
I hope that you enjoy your stay
and you find this to be a good place to rest your eyes,
if only for a moment.

This page is dedicated to those I love.
You know who you are.
Stay safe in your journeys through life my friends,
and know that even if we are worlds apart,
we are still bound by the love we share.
I Love You All

This is for my mother:

A voice in the dark,
once told me,
everything is going alright
I miss that voice,
She was my light.
My mother,
How I loved her

I must put in here something
I read once and it has stayed with me.
Jesus said this to Nicodemus

The wind blows where it wants to,
and you hear the sound of it,
but you do not know where it comes from
or where it is going.
So is everyone that has been
from the spirit.

For my son Jim, whom I love to the depths of my soul

The fight is over, it's not important
I'm so tired of living in this hell
The spell was broken, by the loving words,
and gentle kiss of a prince
There she sits weeping alone,
As he passes by,
looking to pass the time,
he see's her
I know her he thinks to himself,
With just a kiss
and three simple words,
I love you
The spell was broken

For my beautiful darling Britt,
who showed me how to truely love

A child, my child
A priceless work of art
God's way of saying,
life goes on.
I was chosen by God,
to bring this life into exsistance.
He has placed his trust in me
To Love her,
to teach her,
to nurture her,
and to protect her,
the best that I can.
I've excepted this task with open arms.
Making me a mother,
By the hand of God.

One more from me

Sitting here in the sun
Watchin the clouds float by
I think of all the days gone by
I remember your smile
The twinkle in your eyes
I remember the tears that you've cried
I remember that smile hidden deep inside
Sometime has gone by since I've said goodbye
Life goes on, life passes by
I know your alone in a world not your own
I did what needed to be done
To protect the only pure thing either of us has ever known
Life isn't simple, sometimes it's not nice
Over the years my heart has turned to ice
There isn't a time or a place
I can remember that I didn't have to pay a price
A price of friendship, or dignity, or pride, or love
Sometimes I wish for a sign from above
Like maybe a beautiful white dove
The price I paid this time
Was more than what was mine
It was something that stood still for me
A simple place in time
I don't know when it took place
But it seems I'm left with some egg on my face
I believe I made a mistake
That cost me the best friend I've made
In this time and this place
My heart opened and was warmed by a simple friendly embrace
I felt your pain, your fear
I even tasted the salt from the tears
That fell upon your face
And I felt your love
But it came from a different place
I walked away
You left without a trace
I miss my friend
I miss your face

From me:

Why does the wind blow
Why does love grow
How can the mind hurt the heart so
Are our souls really that old
Do we really have conscience
thoughts when we learn to love
Why does love hurt us so
I guess I'll never know
Why does love come and
then always go.

From me:

As each moment comes it holds the future
As each moment arrives it becomes the present
As we live each moment we make it the past
It's not true what is said about time
It does stand still for each of us
We just fail to feel it.

These are words that will stay in my heart forever:

My spade will be a rose and
i'll put it on your breast and
your heart will be the water
that'll keep the rose alive.

This I received in 1984,
from someone who gave me the best gift of all.
Without permission I can not post a name.

To scale a wall
And find a moat
To cross this river
Without a boat

On the other side
I will find me
But this gauntlet
Makes me a travesty

I travel these Roads
To see where there leading
A friend along, By my side,
To help, but not to guide
And hopes to find an eden
So when I find
My peace of mind
You will share my Greatest Night
Then and there,
I will feel alright.

This is some Rilken:

His gaze from staring through the bars,
has grown weary.
That it can take nothing more,
For him, it is as though a thousand bars
and behind the thousand bars-no world.
As he paces in cramped circles
over and over,
his powerful strides are like
a ritual dance around a center
where a great will stands paralized.
At times the curtains of the eyes lift without a sound
and a shape enters,
slips through the tightened silence of the shoulders
reaches the heart and dies.

From me:

I am lost in a world not of my own
I have a desire that burns deep within my soul
A lonely cove that I seem to be in
No way of knowing if time has ceased to exsist
Pink in the color I think in,
the color less a shade of red.
The thoughts are drowning in a pool of green.
The mind is deading
The feeling being swallowed by despare
I reach out for hope and find
I am alone
My eyes can't see through the fog
I am scared.

This is part of speech that President John F. Kennedy gave
It means alot to me. Maybe because it speaks the truth.

The American by nature is optimistic.
He is experimental, and inventor,and a builder,
who builds best when called upon to build greatly.
Arouse his will to believe in himself,
give him a great goal to believe in,
and he will create the means to reach it.
This trait of the American character is our greatest
single national asset.
We shall not have fulfilled our obligation
as a people unless our children,
regardless of the circumstances of their birth,
regardless of their color,
have the opportunity to grow to wholesome,
selfsustaining adulthood,
and make something of their lives.
The future promise of any nation can be directly
measured by the present prospects of their youth.....
Such attributes as energy,
a readiness to question, imagination and
creativity are all attributes of youth
that are also essential to our total national character
What really matters is the children.

Here is one I heard someplace and it rang so true to me.
Author Unknown

Stress, The confusion created
when one's mind overrides the body's
basic desire to choke the living daylights
out of some jerk who
desperately deserves it.

From me also
For my Britt

Why was she meant to hurt
Or was it her,
Is it our pain we are being forced to face
So innocent to the cause
So vulnerable, so pure
It's her pain and her fear
that has made me realize
that my feelings aren't important.
Knowing only the security my arms provide,
she reaches to me to guide her.
Trusting only the feelings of her love,
not seeing through her eyes,
but through her soul,
being scared of each new thing she touches.
Wanting only to be loved.
A little hand reaches out,
with eyes so big and so full of wonder,
so full of life.
The coldness of what she feels scares her.
Searching for the spot
that she'll remember.
I can't help but hope she won't give up,
and I know I can never give up.

This is for my friends I have left behind,

I have changed my path in life,
and well I have left behind some
very important people.
And well this is from me to you:

Looking in the mirror
Who is this I see
Standing here
Looking back at me
I wonder where the years have gone
I've noticed how I've grown
I see the lines on this face
I know I did it alone
I have some friends
Who helped me through
To them I say
I Love You
But now I have a road
That's leading me away
I want everyone to know
that I feel this way
Although my life is different now
I'm happy deep inside
I wish I had you all here
Standing by my side
This is a good place for me
As yours is for you
I have some new friends now
But no on will replace you.

This is another from me:

The future is what we wait for
It's what we base our dreams on
and each day that goes by,
brings us that much closer to our dreams
But because our future doesn't exist,
would it be wrong to assume that today
is actually our future?
To many days have gone by.

This is from me
I call this one:
Queen Anne

What is a table
But a sad peice of wood
taken from the earth
When it reached adulthood
It had a mother
Who bore herself a seed
And dropped it to the ground
Where she could watch and see
First it was a seedling
Just like you and me
Then it grew and grew
As big as it could be
Then it was cut off
Just below it's knees
To become the table
Here in front of me

For my darling Britt
From me

From the moment our eyes came together
I knew we would spend eternity
bonded by our very souls
You a part of me
me a part of you
The innocence you hold

This is from me
For the little soul lost

I hear you talking
Calling out to me
That precious voice
So tiny as can be

I heard this in the movie
The 7th Sign

In the hallways of Heaven
There is a very special room
The Guf
All the new souls are here
Everytime a soul comes down from Heaven
the sparrows sing
They sing because they see the soul
and they know a baby is to be born

I heard this someplace:
And it rand so true to me.
Author Unknown

The art of being wise,
is the art of knowing what to overlook.
You can only live fully
the moment you are in.
So to me that's always
the happiest moment.

A few more by me. Come have a look.
A Sister's Love
Heaven's What I Feel
I Will Remember you
The Morning
Time and Space

A Favorite Place:
Rod's Bar

A Beautiful Story By Someone I Know:
About an on line Love
The Pond

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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