Mr. James Welcomes You to His Website!!

"A good teacher is one who can understand those who are not very good at explaining, and explain to those who are not very good at understanding." --- Dwight D. Eisenhower

"It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done, or think you can do. There's a confrontation with destiny awaiting you. Somewhere, there is a chile you cannot eat." --- Daniel Pinkwater, A Hot Time in Nairobi

Mr. James is an administrator and lecturer for IKIP College at Kuantan (Pahang) on the beautiful east coast of Peninusular Malaysia.

Mr. James teaches engineering subjects in the Malay language.
This site belongs neither to IKIP College or to the Universiti Utara Malaysia, but is a personal site and used simply to disseminate information concerning education within Malaysia.


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