Welcome to my home!

HI! My name is Shannon, but everyone who knows me knows me as Shay. I live in Southeastern Connecticut with my seven year old son, Joseph.He will be going into second grade and plays baseball and is an avid collector of Pokemon cards. He is the most important person in my life. We have great times together!!! I haved lived here for most of my life, not including all my state hopping I did when I was younger. My free time I like to spend listening to music (Yes even Country) and working on my many projects. I love the creative arts. I love to meet new people and get to know about them. I like talking about music, poetry, and life experiences. I love to laugh and make people laugh as well.

Hmmm, anymore of these around?


I look for self honesty, and the ability to laugh at ones self is most important. Considering I do it at least 10 times a day.

And believe me if you can't laugh at yourself there are plenty of other people out there that will do it for you. Another thing I look for in people is their ability to confront problems and go after what they want without hurting anyone along the way.


I love any kind of books of poetry and prose. I was honored enough to have my work submitted in "Diamonds and Rust" which was a great accomplishment for me. My favorite movie Princess Bride. (Hopeless romantic...don't hold that against me!) My season is winter. I like the cold and I like when the earth lays dormant ready for a new beginning. Time of day..has to be Midnite...strange and wonderful things happen at midnite. I love to hear the rain on my window and walk outside during a thunder storm. These are a few of my favorite things.....

Well I hope that you enjoy your time searching through my pages. Nothing spectactular but it is about me and whats important to me. Please take the time to sign my guestbook after your visit. 

If you can tell already I love medievil times. Chivalry was abundant and the land was beautiful. Makes me wonder what it would be like today.

On the following pages you will meet my nephew, my on line friends, read some of my poetry (New Works always welcome), my music pages, and links. Thank you so much for your time. I hope you enjoy your stay at my home.