Comedy has troupes of performers, but why doesn't
literature? Meet the first ever troupe of writers who
write stories on given subjects. It's a testament to
writing under pressure, meant to give readers some
enjoyment while helping the writers to expand their
abilities |

The World of Fire is a short story series currently
containing five stories, all of which take place in a
world two thousand years after a nuclear war set society
back by millenia. Now, it has rebuilt, but the tensions
and situations are the same, dangerous and unpredictable.
Enter the World of Fire. |

So, you've been writing that short story or poem for a
long time, and you don't know what to do with it now. If
you want to reveal it to the world, this is the place to
post it. There are dozens of stories and hundreds of
poems of people just like you here. Check them out or
submit your own. |

Where did all of those great poets that you read about
get their start? Why, from the established poets of their
time, of course. The Poetry Archive contains dozens of
poems by dozens of established poets like Shakespeare,
Poe, and Dickenson. Become the best by studying the best. |

Some say that the best way to understand the writings of
any author is to understand the author's nature. Why not
take that a step further by learning about a webmaster
before submitting material to his site? After reading
this, I hope you're more comfortable with submitting to
WTS. |

So you have your stories and poems on your own site. You
also have your set of links. There isn't anything here
for you, right? Wrong! WTS is the head site of Digital
Words, a webring designed to bring poems, stories, songs,
plays, and musicals to the internet. It's artists helping
artists. Join today. |

This is the part of the site that would have to be my
capituation. I understand that I can't offer everything
that a writer or poet would need, but these links and
webrings do. Follow the webrings for more great material,
or check out some of the links to help refine your
skills. |

What the hell is going on in this world? Some people
would expect you to accept everything that they tell you
without considering the facts and making a decision for
yourself. The internet is about free information, so I've
decided to take some liberties to view reality in a
slightly different way. |