This site is to help wood carvers in the North/East Metro Detroit Area find * Where Woodcarvers meet * Where to obtain supply's * Local Woodcarving Org's * Woodcarving Events * Who is teaching and where*All input and suggestions are welcome*Thank you for stopping by.

5/9-10/09 | Sunrise Carving Show | Oscoda Comm.Center | Oscoda Mi. |
5/11-15/09 | MWCA Learning Seminar | Midland Fairgrounds | Web Site |
6/10-13/09 | 11th Ann. Wood Carvers Roundup | Osceola Fairgrounds Evart Mi. | Web Site |

Please take a minute to view the wonderful job the MWCA is doing with the "Canes for Veterans" program.New pictures are being added all the time.
Doug's Metro Show 09 Show pictures up!
If you hear a voice within you say you cannot carve.Then by all means carve and that voice will always be silenced.

Harold Joseph receiving an award from Bill Phillips,Dave Copeman and Andy Luchardt for his dedication to the Patriot Canes Program that made it the success it has become.
More pictures here
This web site is here to help woodcarvers in our area.I am in the process of making many changes to the site which I hope will be of a help to all who visit here.I hope to in the future have a carver of the area spotlight and more.If you have any suggestions or questions please feel free to contact me at the e-mail link below.Last but not least thank you to all that have helped me make this page possible!!!Please stop by again....Ron

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