What's up?

August at Glance

Bye Bye Masonic

The End of Era?

Hiatus the Boat

It's the one in the middle with the ladder

Bro's Links

Pascone's Home Page

Straight From Al

The page has come along a bit and with a little more work it should get increasingly better.

I will be striving to bring a more "personal" feel which should be possible once I can install photoshop and view a few files to upload.

The goal is to keep a personal web page with info on what's going on with me, the crew and anything else that sounds interesting.

So if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions, please, don't be shy, I'm open for all suggestions.

Alan Merritt

What do I do with a gargoyle?

Don't think you need a gargoyle? Think again. Gargoyles are useful as:
  • Bird baths
  • Wind chimes
  • Pen holders
  • Paperweights
  • Bookends
Actually as weird as it sounds, this was part of an excersice taught in the HTML class that helped me make this page. The class was at the College of San Mateo, I think everyone should have their own gargoyle.

Anyway check out the schools page: Community Colleges of San Mateo